
Published June 5, 2013 10:50 AM

Each oral exam with start with one of the problems from the list of starting questions. All students are advised to prepare 5 to 10 minute answers to those questions.

Published May 29, 2013 2:08 PM

I proved the degree formula for a smooth map of connected, closed, oriented n-manifolds, discussed the existence of unit vector fields on spheres, and proved Brouwer's fixed-point theorem.  Precise information on the syllabus and the form of the oral exam will be posted by Thursday June 6th.

Published May 20, 2013 4:13 PM
Published May 15, 2013 2:17 PM

There will be no lectures May 20th and 22nd.  The final lectures will be Monday May 27th and Wednesday May 29th. The exam dates will be Thursday June 20th and Friday June 21st.

Published May 15, 2013 2:14 PM

I lectured on integration of n-forms over oriented n-manifolds, and started the proof of Stokes' theorem in this generality.

Published May 6, 2013 2:51 PM

I proved Stokes' theorem for the integration of an exact k-form over a k-chain in an n-manifold.

Published May 6, 2013 2:47 PM

Chapter 8, problems 2, 3 and 4.

Published Apr. 30, 2013 5:14 PM

I will continue chapter 8, with integration of k-forms along k-chains, leading to Stokes' theorem.

Published Apr. 30, 2013 5:13 PM

I finished chapter 7 about homotopy invariance of pullbacks, and started chapter 8 with a discussion of line integrals.

Published Apr. 30, 2013 5:12 PM

The mandatory assignments have been graded.  I have sent an email to one student, asking for a revision within two weeks.  All the other answers were satisfactory or better.  You can pick up your copy in my office (B627), or in class (May 6th).

Published Apr. 30, 2013 5:07 PM

I discussed closed and exact forms on R^n and R^n - {0}, for n=2 and n=3.  Thereafter I talked about smooth homotopies, and led up to the theorem that closed forms are exact on smoothly contractible manifolds.

Published Apr. 25, 2013 3:51 PM

Chapter 7, problems 21 and 27.

Published Apr. 17, 2013 11:24 AM

Chapter 7, problems 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6.

Published Apr. 17, 2013 11:22 AM

I continued chapter 7, with the wedge product of alternating forms.

Published Apr. 8, 2013 9:31 AM

Chapter 5, Problems 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13.

Published Apr. 8, 2013 9:31 AM

I skipped chapter 6, and started chapter 7 by discussing alternating forms on a vector space.

Published Apr. 8, 2013 9:14 AM

I will finish chapter 5, with the relation between commuting 1-parameter groups and vanishing Lie brackets.

Published Apr. 3, 2013 11:26 AM

Chapter 5, Problems 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6.

Published Mar. 20, 2013 10:17 AM

The mandatory assignment is now available at /studier/emner/matnat/math/MAT4520/v13/oblig/oblig.pdf . It is due by April 24th.

Published Mar. 19, 2013 2:19 PM

I discussed Lie derivatives of functions, cotangent fields and vector fields.

Published Mar. 13, 2013 11:43 AM

There will be no class on Monday March 25th, Wednesday March 27th or Monday April 1st.

Published Mar. 13, 2013 11:36 AM

Due to the Abel prize announcement, there will be no class from 12:15 to 13:00. From 13:15 to 14:00 we look at the following exercises: Chapter 4, problems 1, 2 (where N should be R), 3 (where df(v) should be df(p)(v)), and 4.

Published Mar. 13, 2013 11:36 AM

I discussed the 1-parameter group of diffeomorphisms generated by a (compactly supported) vector field.

Published Mar. 6, 2013 4:05 PM

I started chapter 5 on vector fields and differential equations.

Published Mar. 4, 2013 1:38 PM

I characterized covariant tensors of order k by their linearity over the smooth functions, and mentioned contravariant and mixed tensors.