
Publisert 11. mai 2005 02:00

The exam will be on May 23. Check pensum.

Publisert 26. apr. 2005 02:00

No lecture on May 9.

Publisert 25. apr. 2005 02:00

Those who want to take the exam, please contact me as soon as possible (sergeyn at

Publisert 14. feb. 2005 01:00

A simple homepage for the course is set up.

Publisert 24. jan. 2005 01:00

Ekstra forelesning i morgen, 25. januar, kl. 10.15-13.00 p? B81

Publisert 4. jan. 2005 01:00

RETTELSE: Det vil bli forelest den 17. januar likevel. Lars Tuset vikarierer.

Publisert 16. des. 2004 01:00

The teaching will be in English. The lectures on 10.01.05 and 24.01.05 will be given by f?rsteamanuensis Lars Tuset. There will be no lectures on 17.01.05 and 31.01.05 (instead two additional lectures will be given in the spring).