Old exams and recommended exercises

Hi all,

I uploaded some old exams in the folder to the left, so that you can practice you skills.

Since we will have an oral exam, we will avoid too complicated calculations and instead focus on the conceptual understanding of the material. For example, the calculations needed to solve Problem 5 e) in the exam from 2018 are too involved, but make sure you understand which steps that are needed to solve it. Same thing applies to Problem 1,2 from 2014, and Problem 5 from 2011.


Recommended exercixes for the problem solving session Friday 13/11 are

Section 5.1: 4,5,6
Section 5.3: 1
 Section 5.4: 5 b), 6,7
 Section 5.5: 1,2,5,10 (using text from exercise 7 and 9)
 Section 5.6: 2,6,11
 Section 5.7: 2
 Section 5.9: 5,6,7

Published Nov. 5, 2020 11:08 AM - Last modified Nov. 5, 2020 12:01 PM