The curriculum for this semester consists of the following sections of Jahren: Geometric Structures in Dimension Two.
2.1 - 2.7, 3, 5.1 - 5.6
Exam 2015: 3 a) - c)
Exam 2014: 3 (except geodesic curvature)
Exam 2013: 3 a) - c)
Exam 2012: 3 a), b)
Exam 2011: 4
So far in the lectures I have covered the following sections of Jahren: Geometric Structures in Dimension Two.
2.1 - 2.7, 3, 5.1 - 5.3, 5.5
I will write a complete list of sections after the last lecture 16 November.
I have had a setback and am still too sick to lecture - so no lecture this Tuesday. I assume I will be better Thursday - JC
I am sick today - October 19 - so there is no lecture - JC
2.3: 1, 7, 8, 9, 10
2.5: 2, 4, 5
2.7: 1, 3
2.8: 1
It should now be possible to deliver your assignment through Devilry. I have extended the deadline to Friday October 13.
There will not be lectures October 3 & 5. Use the time to work on your assignment.
Write a report on hyperbolic geometry which contains
- the definition of area
- a computation of the area of a hyperbolic triangle
- a statement and proof of the laws of cosines and the hyperbolic Pythagorean theorem
For your own benefit you should use the library and/or internet to find material that helps illustrate this exposition.
I am not quite sure how the assignment is to be delivered, but will tell you in good time before the deadline.
We will use Bj?rn Jahrens monograph "Geometric Structures in Dimension two" . You may find it as .pdf file in the folder "undervisngsmateriale" on the left side of this page.