Teaching materials
I will use Bj?rn Jahren's textbook ``Geometric Structures in Dimension Two''. This is the version from August 11th 2015.
Here are some other sources I have looked at.
- James W. Anderson: ``Hyperbolic Geometry,'' Springer-Verlag.
- Marvin Jay Greenberg: ``Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometries,'' W.H. Freeman and Company.
- William P. Thurston (edited by Silvio Levy): ``Three-Dimensional Geometry and Topology, Volume I,'' Princeton University Press.
- Robin Hartshorne: ``Teaching Geometry According to Euclid,'' Notices of the AMS, Volume 47, Number 4.
- Allen Hatcher: ``The Kirby Torus Trick for Surfaces,'' arXiv:1312.3518v1 [math.GT].
- Carsten Thomassen: ``The Jordan-Schoenflies Theorem and the Classification of Surfaces," Amer. Math. Monthly 99 (1992), no. 2, 116–130.
- Doug Arnold and Jonathan Rogness: ``Moebius Transformations Revealed,'' Univ. of Minnesota.
- Maurits Cornelis Escher: ``Angels and Devils.''
- Hevea project: ``Flat torus.'
- The pseudosphere.
- ``Cross-ratio,'' Wikipedia.
- ``Full moon,'' Wikimedia.
- ``Geometrization conjecture,'' Wikipedia.
- ``Mathematical fallacy,'' Wikipedia.
- ``Poincare homology sphere,'' Wikipedia.
- ``Seifert-Weber space,'' Wikipedia.
- ``Synthetic geometry,'' Wikipedia.
- ``Uniformization theorem,'' Wikipedia.
- John
Published Aug. 5, 2015 2:47 PM
- Last modified Feb. 27, 2023 2:56 PM