Suggested solutions to the exam problems can now be found here.
The lectures are now over, but there will be an extra session with exam problems Thursday December 3. I will go through the remaining problems from the exam 2008 and, time permitting, more of the problems from 2006 and 2007.
A remark on the final exam: the problem set will be in English only, but you are free to answer in Norwegian.
There will be no lecture Thursday November 19. I plan to give the last regular lecture Monday November 30, and an additional problem session Thursday December 3. The final exam is December 11.
Obligene er n? rettet. De som ikke fikk tilbake sin besvarelse p? forelesningen i dag kan hente den p? kontoret i 7. etage.
I will be out of the country all of week 43, so there will be no lectures October 19 and 22.
The mandatory assignment has now been posted. You will find it under "Mandatory assignments" to the left. Warning: You should start right away thinking about the problems. They are not easy, but if you use the two weeks you have, you should be able to do them.
I just discovered that the version of the notes on classification of surfaces posted on the web was not the most recent one. This has now been corrected. The main difference is that the new version contains a much simpler proof of Lemma 3.
Student representative ("tillitsvalgt") for this semester is Sven Haadem - email: sven.haadem (at)
Note that the earlier posted date for the mandatory exercises was wrong. The correct date is Friday October 23. The problems will be posted Friday October 9.
I plan to write a short report after each lecture. You will find them in a link to the left.
Welcome to MAT4510! The first lecture will be August 20. I will basically follow the set of notes you can download from the link 'Syllabus...' to the left.