
Dato Undervises av Sted Tema Kommentarer / ressurser
21.08.2012 Erik L?w? Aud. 2, VB? Chapter 1/ Notes by Tom Lindstr?m? Notes?
24.08.2012 EL? Aud. 2, VB? Section 12? ?
28.08.2012 EL? Aud 2, VB? Section 13-14? ?
29.08.2012 Knut Berg? Aud 2, VB? Exercises? Section 1: 2mn,3,4,5,7 S2: 1,2 S3: 1,4 S5: 5 S7: 1,5aef S13: 1,2,3,4 ?
31.08.2012 EL? Aud 2, VB? Section 15-16? ?
04.09.2012 EL? Aud 2, VB? Section 17-18? ?
05.09.2012 KB? Aud 2, VB? Exercises? S13: 5,8

S16: 1,2,3,4,6,8?

07.09.2012 EL? Aud 2, VB? Section 18-19? ?
11.09.2012 EL? Aud 2, VB? Section 19-20? ?
12.09.2012 KB? B 62? Exercises? S17 : 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 13, 19, 20

S18 : 2, 4, 6?

14.09.2012 EL? B 71? Section 20? ?
18.09.2012 EL? Aud 2, VB? Section 21-22? ?
19.09.2012 KB? Aud 2, VB? Exercises? S 18: 10, 11, 12, 13

S 19: 6, 7

S 20: 1, 3, 4?

21.09.2012 EL? Aud 2, VB? Section 22-23? ?
25.09.2012 EL? Aud 2, VB? Section 23-24? ?
26.09.2012 KB? Aud 2, VB? Exercises? S 20: 5, 7

S 21: 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 10

S 22: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5?

28.09.2012 EL? Aud 2, VB? Section 24-25? ?
02.10.2012 EL? Aud 2, VB? Section 26-27? ?
03.10.2012 KB? Aud 2, VB? Exercises? S 23: 1,3,4,5,6,7,11

S 24: 1,2,3,8

S 25: 1,3,4,8?

05.10.2012 EL? Aud 2, VB? Section 27-28? ?
09.10.2012 EL? Aud 2, VB? Section 28-29? ?
10.10.2012 KB? Aud 2, VB? Exercises? S 26: 1, 2, 3, 7, 8

S 27: 2, 6?

12.10.2012 EL? Aud 2, VB? Section 29-30? ?
16.10.2012 EL? Aud 2, VB? Section 31-32? ?
17.10.2012 KB? Aud 2, VB? Exercises? S 28: 2, 3, 6

S 29: 1, 2, 5, 6, 8

S 30: 4, 12, 13?

19.10.2012 EL? Aud 2, VB? Section 33-34? ?
23.10.2012 EL? Aud 2, VB? Selected parts of section 37,43 and 45? For section 43 and 45, we will cover the material in the Rognes notes. In section 37, we just cite the theorem without proof.?
24.10.2012 KB? Aud 2, VB? Exercises? S 31: 1,2,5,6

S 32: 1,3,5

S 33: 3,7,8?

26.10.2012 EL? Aud 2, VB? Section 46? ?
30.10.2012 EL? Aud 2, VB? Section 51? ?
31.10.2012 KB? Aud 2, VB? Exercises? S 34 : 1,3,4

S 45 : 1?

02.11.2012 EL? Aud 2, VB? Section 52? ?
06.11.2012 EL? Aud 2, VB? Section 53? ?
07.11.2012 KB? Aud 2, VB? Exercises? S 46: 1, 3, 4, 7

S 51: 1, 2, 3?

09.11.2012 EL? Aud 2, VB? Section 54? ?
13.11.2012 EL? Aud 2, VB? Section 55? ?
14.11.2012 KB? Aud 2, VB? Exercises? S 52: 1, 3, 4, 5

S 53: 2, 3, 5, 6?

16.11.2012 EL? Aud 2, VB? Section 58-59? We cover the material in the Rognes notes.?
20.11.2012 EL? Aud 2, VB? Section 60? ?
21.11.2012 KB? Aud 2, VB? Exercises? S 54: 1, 3, 5, 6, 8

S 55: 1, 2?

23.11.2012 EL? Aud 2, VB? Repetition 1 + Exam problems? 2009: 1, 2

2008: 1

2007: 1

2010: 1

MAT 232 - 2002: 1

MAT 245 - 1994: 3

Repetition 1 + Exam problems?

27.11.2012 EL? Aud 2, VB? Repetition 2 + Exam problems? 2005: 2, 3, 4 (D2=B2, identification=quotient map)

2008: 5, 6

2007: 4

MAT 245 - 1998: 3

Repetition 2 + Exam problems


28.11.2012 KB? Aud 2, VB? Exercises? S 58: 1, 2

S 59: 1, 3

S 60: 1, 2, 4?

30.11.2012 EL? Aud 2, VB? Repetition 3 + Exam problems? 2006: 1

MAT 232 - 1998: 1

MAT 245 - 1998: 1

2011: 1

MAT 245 - 1994: 4

Repetition 3 + Exam problems


04.12.2012 EL? Aud 2, VB? Repetition 4 + Exam problems? 2011: 3

2008: 4

2010: 2

Repetition 4 + Exam problems??

Published Aug. 17, 2012 12:56 PM - Last modified Dec. 3, 2012 12:25 PM