Syllabus/achievement requirements


James Munkres: Topology (second edition), 2003. Prentice-Hall. ISBN: 0-13-178449-8. (international edition).

James Munkres: Topology (second edition), 2000. Prentice-Hall. ISBN: 0-13-181629-2. (hardcover).

Tom Lindstr?m: Brief review of sets and functions



  • Chapter 2 (sections 12-13 and 15-22),
  • Chapter 3 (sections 23-29),
  • Chapter 4 (sections 30-34),
  • Chapter 5 (section 37, w/o proof),
  • Chapter 7 (sections 45-46) and
  • Chapter 9 (sections 51-55, 58-60).


Published Apr. 5, 2011 10:06 AM - Last modified Feb. 27, 2023 2:46 PM