
To be allowed to take the exam in MAT4430 you need to pass an assignment. The rules for this are simple:

1.) To pass the assignment, you have to pass 1 exercise from each exercise sheet until the final assignment deadline.

2.) It is your choice, which exercise you select from each sheet. Some are harder and some are easier.

3.) You can continuously hand in solutions to me, either by email or (much preferred) on paper. I will give you feedback on the solution and let you know whether your solution passes the exercise.

4.) The only deadline is the deadline of the assignment somewhere towards the end of the course. At this point you will hand in your solutions (in Canvas) and either pass or fail the assignment.

I would strongly advise to do some exercises regularily so that not too much work accumulates close to the final deadline.

If you have any questions regarding these rules, let me know.




Publisert 19. jan. 2024 14:11 - Sist endret 19. jan. 2024 14:11