Here is the exam set with solution. Merry Christmas to you all! Erik
The solutions to Exercise sets nr. 10 and 11 are now available (as well as solutions to the problems from earlier exams).
I wish you all good luck at the final exam!
We will also look at some earlier exam problems next week:
Monday 25.11,10.15-12 (room 1120): exercises 6, 7, 12, 16, 17
Wednesday 27.11, 10.15-12 (room 1119): exercices 1, 4, 10, 11, 15
The solution of the problems is available here.
The curriculum for the final written exam consists of the Notes in MAT4410, Chapter 1--5 and sections 6.1--6.2. Most of the material covered in these notes is also available in Robinson's book "An introduction to Functional Analysis" (cf. the teaching plan). Having solved the exercises given during the semester will also be helpful.
The compulsory assignment is now available here and on the homepage. The deadline to hand in your solutions is Thursday, November 7, within 2.30 pm in Canvas.
Since the exercise set from last week (set 6) was given a bit ahead of schedule, no new exercise set will be given this week. Exercises 3.8 and 3.14 in the Notes will be part of the compulsory assignment, so you can already start typing your solutions of these exercises.
The final exam in MAT4410 this fall will be a written exam. Information about the date, time and place is given here.
The compulsory assignment will be made available at latest on October 17. The deadline will be November 7, within 14.30 in Canvas.
Student representative for MAT4410 this fall will be Amund Solum Alsvik. Thanks a lot, Amund!
Welcome to MAT4410!
As background literature we will use the book An introduction to functional analysis by J.C. Robinson. We will refer to it by [R]. Some chapters in this book should be known from previous courses, e.g. the first four chapters. We will also make some supplementary notes available on the home page. These will be updated throughout the semester. We will refer to these by [N]. The final curriculum will be described at the beginning of November.