You can find a suggested solution here. The exam set can be found at this link.
The final syllabus (material relevant for the exam) consists of what we covered in the lectures with the exception of the part on the Fourier transform.
There will be a question session on Monday, 4 December at 10:15-11:45 in NHA room 1119. Note that additional exam sets are posted in the left column from the main page of MAT4410, under the heading "Oppgaver". Further exam sets are available from course webpages in previous years.
In problem 2, by "Borel measure" it is only meant "measure on the Borel \sigma-algebra". Thus, in part 2b, you only have to show that the convolution \mu \star\nu is a measure. You do not have to show that it is finite on compact sets.
The mandatory assignment is available here.
1) The book "Topics in Real Analysis" by G. Teschl is not yet in print, but will appear as Graduate Studies in Mathematics volume published by the Amer. Math. Soc. We use the pdf-version available at the author's page
2) There is a companion book "Topics in Linear and Nonlinear Analysis", also not yet in print. A pdf-version is available from
The student representative for this course is Andreas A. Willassen, email andrwill"at"
The assignment will be posted on 28 September, and will have deadline for submission 19 October.
Velkommen til MAT4410. I kurset vil vi g? gjennom material fra f?lgende kilder: T. Lindstr?m's bok "Spaces" (produktm?let, 8.7-8.8), B. Driver's ebok "Analysis tools with examples", versjon av August 2004 (kap. 16, 25 ) og G. Teschl's ebok "Topics in Real Analysis", versjon fra mars 2023 (avsnitt 1.4, 2.2, 2.3, 3.4, 4.1-4.3, 6.1-6.3, 8.1).
Welcome to MAT2210. We will cover material from the following sources: The book "Spaces" by T. Lindstr?m (parts 8.7-8.8), the ebook "Analysis tools with examples" by B. Driver, version of August 2004 (chapters 16 and 25), and the ebook "Topics in Real Analysis" by G. Teschl, version of March 2023 (chapters 1.4, 2.2, 2.3, 3.4, 4.1-4.3, 6.1-6.3, 8.1).