Welcome to MAT3400/4400!

We begin with some bad news.

  1. Due to the pandemic, the department has decided on digital teaching in January. This pertains only to the first two weeks of teaching, but it is impossible to predict what will happen thereafter. In the interest of predictability, we have decided on digital teaching for (at least) the first five weeks. 
  2. Padlet is now (!) illegal. We are currently looking into options which will not result in hefty fines and/or jail time. 

For weeks 3–7, the teaching will be organized as follows.

  • The main presentation of the material is a video series.
  • On Tuesdays 14:15–16:00, there will be a short review lecture on that weeks material on Zoom. These lectures will be based on the assumption that you have worked through the videos in advance. There will be ample time for questions. 
  • On Fridays 12:15–14:00, there will be an exercise session on Zoom. The problems are available here.

The Zoom-links can be found in the schedule.


Published Jan. 10, 2022 2:15 PM - Last modified Feb. 27, 2023 1:51 PM