More detailed syllabus
I've tried to make a more detailed list of the syllabus:
From Evans Partial differential equations, 2nd ed.
- Appendix C, pp 710 - 713
- Section 2.2, Laplaces equation, pp 20 - 42
- Section 2.3, Heat equation, pp 44 - 51
- Hamilton-Jacobi equation, chapter 10, pp 579 - 600
From Holden&Risebro Front tracking for hyperbolic conservation laws, 2nd ed.
- Appendix A (not the proofs, understand BV and theorem A11)
- Appendix B, pp 441 - 447
- Chapter 2, pp 53 - 66, 74 - 82
- Chapter 3, pp 91 - 107 (it is better to learn this from the notes)
The material in the above list is also contained in the notes, and I think it is easier learn from these. Observe that the relation between conservation laws and Hamilton-Jacobi equations is only covered in the notes.
Publisert 13. nov. 2024 15:01
- Sist endret 13. nov. 2024 15:01