Semesterside for MAT4215 - V?r 2015


Hartshorn Chapter II.1, II.2 and II.3. The first pages of II.4 until Th 4.3 [not included]. II.5, II.6  the paragraph called  "Divisors on Curves" excluded.

And from Chapter III you will not get any serious questions.


Good luck! Geir

2. juni 2015 08:32

Hartshorn Chapter II.1, II.2 and II.3. The first pages of II.4 until Th 4.3 [not included]. II.5, II.6  the paragraph called  "Divisors on Curves" excluded.

And from Chapter III you will not get any serious questions.


Good luck! Geir

2. juni 2015 08:32

As I promised, I have posted a preliminary version of notes5 about quasi-coherent sheaves on the homepage.

26. mai 2015 11:18