Error in the notes and Assignment 3.
There is an error in the equation for B_{i,r} in Algorithm 1, bottom of page 42. The correct equation is
B_{i,r}(x) = ((x-t_i)/(t_{i+r}-t_i)) B_{i,r-1}(x)
+((t_{i+r+1}-x)/(t_{i+r+1}-t_{i+1})) B_{i+1,r-1}(x).
It is the same as equation (3.15), just with d replaced by r.
But the equation for c_i^r in Algorithm 2, page 43, equation (3.25) is correct. Both equations are needed for Assignment 3.
Publisert 20. mars 2023 14:02
- Sist endret 20. mars 2023 14:02