Problems marked "Week n" relate to material from week n – 1. You should strive to solve these in week number n.
Week 4
- What is the order of the following ODEs? Reduce them to systems of first order ODEs.
- \(\ddot{x} + 2\dot{x} + \sin(x) = 0\)
- \(\dddot{x} + 3\dot{x}\ddot{x} - x^3 = 0\)
- \(t^{-2}\dddot{x} = x^2\dot{x} + \ddot{x}\log|\dot{x}|\)
- Solve the following initial value problems:
- \(\dot{x} = -\sqrt{\alpha^2-x^2},\ x(0)=\frac{\alpha}{6}\) for some \(\alpha>0\)
- \(\dot{x} = (1+x^2)e^{-t},\ x(0)=0\)
- Solve the following initial value problems and describe the qualitative behaviour of the solution.
- \(\ddot{x} + x = 0,\ x(0)=\dot{x}(0) = 1\)
- \(\ddot{x} - \dot{x}-2x = 0, \ x(0)=3,\ \dot{x}(0)=0\)
- \(\ddot{x} + 2\dot{x} + 5x = 0,\ x(0)=3,\ x'(0)=6\)
- Consider the initial value problem \(\ddot{x} - \dot{x}-2x = 0, \ x(0)=1,\ \dot{x}(0)=-1\).
- Find the solution of the problem. Describe its qualitative behaviour.
- What do you think will happen if we commit a small error, say, in the initial data? Will the qualitative behaviour of the solution remain the same?
(We will investigate instabilities closer when we discuss numerical approximations.)
- Consider the logistic equation with harvesting term:
\(\dot{x} = x(1-x) - h\)
for some \(h\geq0\). This is a model for the population of an animal where a fixed number h is harvested at regular intervals. Find the solution with initial data \(x(0) = x_0\). For different values of h, plot the solution for a few choices of \(x_0\) and describe its qualitative properties.
Week 5
- Exercises in Section 2.1: 5, 6, 8, 9, 10
- Exercises in Section 2.2: 1 (do as many of these as you can), 2, 4 (prioritize this one!)
- Exercises in Section 2.3: 1, 2
Week 6–7
- Exercises in Section 3.1: 1, 2, 3
- Consider the equation \(\dot{x} = -x^3,\ x(0)=x_0\).
- Verify that the velocity field \(F(x,t)=-x^3\) is locally, but not globally Lipschitz continuous.
- Conclude that a solution exists locally, but possibly not globally.
- By inspecting the ODE, show that solutions are bounded for all t, and conclude that a solution exists for all t.
- Consider the equation \(\dot{x}=ax,\ x(0)=x_0\) for some numbers \(x_0,a\in\mathbb{R}\).
- Compute the solution of the ODE.
- Compute the first five iterations of the Picard iterations. Recall that these are defined by \(x_1\equiv x_0,\ x_{n+1}(t)=x_0+\int_0^t F(x_n(s),s)\,ds\), where F is the right-hand side of the ODE.
- Can you find a formula for \(x_n(t)\)? Does \(x_n\to x\)?
Week 8
- Exercises in Section 4.1: 1, 3
- Exercises in Section 4.2: 1, 2, 3
- Exercises in Section 4.3: 1, 2, 5
Week 9
- Exercises in Section 4.4: 1, 2, 3, 4
Week 10
- Exercises in Section 4.5: 1, 3, 4, 8, 11
- Exercises in Section 4.6: 3
Week 11
- Exercises in Section 5.1: 1, 2
- Exercises in Section 5.3: 1, 3, 5
Week 12
- Exercises in Section 5.5: 1–4
- Determine whether each of the following systems are (i) gradient systems, (ii) Hamiltonian systems, or (iii) neither. In case (i) and (ii) use this information to draw a phase portrait. (Use a computer to draw a contour plot, if needed – but try to do it by hand first.)
- \(\dot x = -2xy^2,\ \dot y = -2x^2y\)
- \(\dot x = y-3,\ \dot y = 2-x\)
- \(\dot x = 2xy - y^2, \ \dot y = x^2y\)
- \(\dot x = x^2y,\ \dot y = -xy^2\)
- \(\dot x = x^2 - 1\)
- \(\dot x = -\cos(x)\cos(y),\ \dot y = -\sin(x)\sin(y)\)
- Consider the linear system \(\dot u = Au\) for \(A\in\mathbb{R}^{2\times 2} \). Determine for what A this system is (i) a gradient system or (ii) a Hamiltonian system. Can the system be both?
- Problem 6.1.1
Week 13
- Problems in Section 6.2: 4, 5, 6
- Problems 8.1 and 8.2 in my lecture notes
Week 17
Problems 9.1–9.3 in my lecture notes.