Syllabus/achievement requirements

We will use the book “Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems, and an Introduction to Chaos” by Morris W. Hirsch, Stephen Smale, and Robert L. Devaney, 3rd. edition, 2013, Academic Press. UiO has access electronically at [More]


The lectures will be based on (subject to change)

?  Chapter 1 (First-Order Equations).

?  Chapter 2 (Planar Linear Systems).

?  Chapter 3 (Phase Portraits for Planar Systems).

?  Chapter 4 (Classification of Planar Systems).

?  Chapter 5 (Higher-Dimensional Linear Algebra)

?  Chapter 6 (Higher-Dimensional Linear Systems).

?  Chapter 7 (Nonlinear Systems).

?  Chapter 8 (Equilibria in Nonlinear Systems).

?  Chapter 9  (Global Nonlinear Techniques).

?  Chapter 10 (Closed Orbits and Limit Sets).

?  Chapter 17 (Existence and Uniqueness Revisited).

If time permits, we will also cover some selected topics from

?  Chapter 11 (Applications in Biology).

?  Chapter 12 (Applications in Circuit Theory).

?  Chapter 13 (Applications in Mechanics).

?  Chapter 15 (Discrete Dynamical Systems).

Published Dec. 17, 2020 11:28 AM - Last modified Dec. 17, 2020 12:08 PM