Information about the exam

It has been decided that the exam this semester will be different. It  will be a written home exam, similar to the compulsory assignment.  All aids will be allowed. Collaboration will not be considered cheating, but you must have formulated and written the answer that is submitted, and it should reflect your understanding of the syllabus. The grade will be pass/fail, and the limit for passing will be 40% (like E at the regular exam).  The exam will be published in Inspera on the original examination date (Fri June 12, kl. 09:00),  and must be submitted as one PDF file in Inspera within the same time 7 days later (Fri June 19, kl. 09:00).

Publisert 30. mars 2020 19:03 - Sist endret 30. mars 2020 19:03