Syllabus/achievement requirements

The curriculum will be taken from 

Hirsch, Smale, Devaney: Differential equations, dynamical systems and an introduction to chaos.

3rd. edition, 2013, Academic Press. At the time being (15/5/19), UiO IPs have access electronically. 

The exact content of the syllabus will be determined by what was presented in the lectures, which turned out to be:

Chapters 1 - 4, 6 - 13 and Chapter 15. Chapter 5 is not in the syllabus since you are expected to know this (it is on the syllabus in MAT1110).

In addition, these notes on numerical methods (written by Ulrik Skre Fjordholm) are part of the syllabus.



Publisert 8. jan. 2019 12:10 - Sist endret 15. mai 2019 12:21