Welcome to MAT3110/4110!

Dear all,

Welcome to MAT3110/MAT4110 – Introduction to numerical analysis. The course will follow the book An Introduction to Numerical Analysis by Süli and Mayers (available in Akademika). I will be teaching in Norwegian, but will switch to English if a sufficiently large number of students prefer that.

I want to emphasise that this is a course on numerical analysis, not on numerical methods. We will of course study a large number of numerical methods, but the emphasis will lie on analysing these methods – convergence, accuracy, stability and so on – rather than just presenting a list of "numerical recipes". The prerequisites for the course is MAT1100, MAT1110 and MAT1120 (or equivalent), and you can expect to use theory and techniques from these courses heavily. If you need to refresh that theory, then now is the time.

Lectures will be held on campus, in auditorium 2 in Vilhelm Bjerknes' house, on Mondays and Tuesdays, with tutorials ("gruppetimer") on Thursdays. I will unfortunately not be able to publish lecture recordings online: Due to newly introduced national regulations, all teaching material must be subtitled, and we don't have the capacity to subtitle all courses.

With best regards,

Publisert 17. aug. 2021 09:28 - Sist endret 17. aug. 2021 09:28