
Publisert 3. jan. 2019 13:29

Suggested answers to the exam: mat3110_2018_ans.pdf

Publisert 20. nov. 2018 10:57

Here also are the exam papers from 2005 and 2006 of the (discontinued) Numerical Methods course (see again "undervisningsmateriale"). This was an undergraduate course. Some of the questions are relevant to us.

Publisert 20. nov. 2018 10:41

Here are the exams papers from 2012, 2013, 2014 from Numerical Linear Algebra (go to "undervisningsmateriale").

This is a graduate course and has a somewhat different focus but some of the questions are relevant to us.

Publisert 12. nov. 2018 11:57

You can now find it on the left under "H?st 2008", "undervisningsmateriale". The exam itself is "mat-in3110.pdf", the exam with answers is "mat-in3110_ans.pdf".

Publisert 8. nov. 2018 15:02

are now available. The material on optimization in Lectures 12 and 13 is not contained in the course book.

Publisert 18. okt. 2018 13:46

is now available through the "timeplan" link

Publisert 10. okt. 2018 16:16

Avsluttende eksamen blir skriftlig.

Publisert 8. okt. 2018 14:15

Hi, I have made a new version of the notes on Bezier curves (Lecture8), which are simplified so that we only work with the parameter interval [0,1].

This simplifies quite a lot of formulas. I have also added three exercises.

Publisert 12. sep. 2018 17:25

is now available under the link to "timeplan".

Publisert 10. sep. 2018 15:24

I have made some exercises about orthogonality and put them at the end of the Lecture4.pdf lectures notes. I will post the first obligatory assignment in the next couple of days.

Publisert 10. sep. 2018 07:45

Lecture 3 (new version) and Lecture 4.


Publisert 28. aug. 2018 12:03

Hi, please find electronic lecture notes based on the first two weeks of lectures, available from the "schedule" (timeplan). The first two sets of weekly exercises are there as well.

Publisert 13. aug. 2018 11:31

Welcome to the first lecture,

0815 Monday 20 August

Vilhelm Bjerknes's hus.