Beskjeder - Side 2
The next lectures will continue to be digital only, but I hope some of the restrictions can be lifted within a couple of weeks. I have posted a recording for next tuesday's lecture already. I plan to add a recording for next week's exercise session shortly.
Since the lectures so far have been recordings only, I have set up a zoom session tomorrow (thursday) between 1315 og 1400 where you can ask questions. zoomlink follows below. We also need a "tillitsvalgt" for the course, and maybe I can discuss this with some of you in tomorrow's zoom session.
You may also be interested in the "fellesorakel", where it is possible to ask general questions. The link for this is
?yvind Ryan is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: MAT3100 sp?rsm?lstime
Time: Feb 4, 2021 01:15 PM Oslo
Join Zoom Meeting...
Next week's lectures can now be found in the "timeplan". Since the lectures seem to be digital for quite some time still, I will set up a zoom-meeting some time next week, so that you also can ask me questions. I will post a message about this on the course webpage soon.
A recording for thursday's exercise session can now be found in the "timeplan". Regarding tomorrow's lecture, don't be scared about the proof that Bland's rule does not cycle: This is very technical, and not suitable as an exam question.
Note also that I have put out a file where you can run several of the exercises for this week using the simplex1-implementation of the simplex method (exercises_week3). I have also improved and documented simplex1. I will wait translating this to Python to when we come to the point where we make the simplex method more robust (chapter 6).
It has been decided that next week's lectures will be digital as well. I have therefore posted today a recording of tuesday's lecture (chapter 3). It is a bit longer than 90 minutes, since I also went through the proof that Blands rule prevents cycling (this is rather technical, and difficult to fint into 90 minutes).
Under code on the course web page you also find some code I use in the lecture, and which verifies the computations in some of the examples.
Over the weeked I will also post a recording of thursday's exercise session. I hope you try to solve the exercises before you watch that recording.
Note that you can also find old solutions to exercises and lecture notes in pdf, under old lecture notes on the course web page.
Recordings for next week's lectures can be found in the "timeplan"
It has been decided that the lectures next week also will be digital only. I will again post recordings as I did this week, and put them on the course webpage (at monday latest).
Due to the pandemic situastion, all lectures next week will be digital only. I have therefore made recordings for tuesday's and thursday's lecture already. Video and pdf can be found in the "timeplan".
I hope we can have lectures in the auditorium as soon as possible.
Welcome to MAT3100! The first lecture will be on 12th January, and we will be in aud. 5 VB (see the calendar). Hopefully there will be no restrictions on meeting up for the lectures, but due to the ongoing corona pandemic all lectures will also be made available as recordings. I will also use zoom so that the lectues can also be followed live.
The syllabus has been updated (we use leganto), as well as the calendar. In addition, the lecture notes are also part of the syllabus, and will be made available continuously.
We will use the fifth edition of Vanderbei's book. I believe it will cause no problem if you already have the fourth edition.