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You can find the exam answers at this link [More].

June 2, 2024 5:25 PM

Hi everyone,

Feedback on compulsory task 2 has now been published on Canvas. 

Best regards, 

The study administration 

May 6, 2024 10:41 AM

The second mandatory assignment has been posted [More]. The deadline is Thursday April 25 (@14:30).

Updated 12 Apr 2024: Problem 1d lacks a condition on the function u: |u(x)|\le M/2 for all x, for some constant M<1/2.  Note also that M/2+M^2\le M when 0\le M\le 1/2. The pdf of the assignment has been updated accordingly.

Apr. 10, 2024 12:38 PM

We are in the process of correcting assignments. Due to an oversight, some of you have prematurely received notifications regarding the outcomes. Our original intention was to dispatch decision messages collectively once all assignments had been evaluated. Moving forward, we will issue updates upon the completion of each assessment.

Feb. 26, 2024 2:03 PM