Plan for the rest of the semester

We are now a bit behind schedule, and as I want to keep my promise of using the three last lectures for review, we have to cut down on something. Here is the new plan: I complete section 6.5 on Taylor's formula, then skip 6.6 on partial derivatives and go straight to section 6.7 on the Inverse Function Theorem (we don't need partial derivatives for this). Then I'll round-off the course by talking about the Implicit Function Theorem in the final dimensional case (i.e. in the form of Corollary 6.8.3). I'll hope to be able to this in the lectures of May 11th and 16th (and perhaps a little bit of 18th) and then use the rest of the lectures for review.


Publisert 9. mai 2022 14:42 - Sist endret 9. mai 2022 14:42