Beskjeder - Page 2

Published Feb. 11, 2021 9:45 AM

I have made a note with solutions for the exercises to section 3.3. When looking at these solutions you should try to get a feel for how you should write answers on the mandatory assignment. 



Published Feb. 10, 2021 2:05 PM

I have created a new padlet where you can ask questions about any part of the course. I have transferred your old questions to the new padlet.


Published Feb. 10, 2021 1:06 PM

Dear all,

I have uploaded two more videos: the fourth video on compactness (Section 3.6), and a video on completion (Section 3.7). The latter is optional and you will not be tested on this in the exam.

I have also published the first compulsory assignment (“oblig”). You can find it either in the Schedule or on Canvas. Please have a look at the assignment before tomorrow's lecture; I will go through each problem and answer any questions you might have.

Best regards,

Published Feb. 4, 2021 6:55 AM

Dear all,

I would greatly appreciate if you can all complete this anonymous questionnaire about teaching in MAT2400. It will help us to improve our teaching. The questionnaire takes at most 5 minutes.

Best regards,

PS: I still need two student representatives – please send me an e-mail if you would like to volunteer!

Published Jan. 27, 2021 6:55 AM

Dear all,

Update: Alexander, Kamilla and Camilla are student representatives this Spring.

I will need two student representatives. We will meet two or three times during the semester and discuss any problems with the course.

If you would like to be a student representative, could you please send me an e-mail? Thank you!

Best regards,

Published Jan. 22, 2021 11:46 AM

Dear all,

I have recorded some videos and written some exercises for Chapter 3. They can be found under "Resources" on the semester page.

As mentioned earlier, your job is to watch the videos and do as many of the accompanying exercises as you can. In the Zoom meeting on Tuesday and Thursday we will go through some examples and I will answer any questions. So be sure to watch the videos before the Zoom meeting!

Best regards,

Published Jan. 20, 2021 9:24 PM

Dear all,

Tomorrow (Thursday 21 Jan) I will go through some exercises from this and last week. Please consult the schedule for up-to-date info. The Zoom link for the meeting can be found in Canvas (let me know if you don't have access).

Since restrictions haven't been lifted yet, we will have to continue digital teaching next week, but in a somewhat different form. I will record a few videos where I quickly go though the material for that week, and in the Tuesday/Thursday lectures we will talk more in depth about the material, go through some examples and solve some exercises. I'll publish these videos tomorrow or on Friday.

And last, since so many of you have reached out and asked me to record lectures, I will do so, starting tomorrow. I do hope that many of you will still attend teaching "live", and I will try to make it worthwhile.

Best regards,

Published Jan. 18, 2021 7:56 AM

Dear all,

Unfortunately I have to cancel the lecture on Tuesday 19 January. On Thursday 21 January I will go through some exercises from the Background Material and answer any questions. (Erik will do the same during the tutorial on Wednesday.) Please let us know, either by e-mail or through the padlet, which exercises you would like me to solve, or if you have any questions.

"Regular" lectures will start next week, with physical attendance if the new regulations allow it. This message will be updated as soon as I know more.

I hope you're all doing OK, and am looking forward to seeing you all soon!

Best regards,

Published Jan. 11, 2021 8:52 AM

Dear all,

I will host a short Zoom meeting on Tuesday at 10:15. I will talk a bit about the course and about teaching the first few weeks. To find the Zoom meeting ID, go to the MAT2400 Canvas site and click on Zoom (direct link).

Sorry for the late notice, and I hope to see many of you there!

Update 11 January: If you for any reason are unable to access Canvas, please send me an e-mail and I'll send you the Zoom meeting ID.

Update 12 January: If you missed the meeting, here is a short summary. I presented the course homepage, in particular the lectures (2/week), tutorials (1/week), mandatory assignments (2, both of which must be approved) and the background video...

Published Jan. 8, 2021 11:35 AM

Dear all,

I have made a series of videos where I go through the background material in Chapters 1–2 of Spaces, available under Resources → Background material. For the first two weeks of teaching, your job is to go through these videos, read the corresponding sections in Spaces, and do as many exercises as you can.

If the Corona restrictions are lifted on 18 January then I will go through exercises and answer questions on Tuesday 19 and Thursday 21 January.

Please consult the schedule for up to date information. Looking forward to seeing you soon!

Best regards,

Published Jan. 4, 2021 12:15 PM

Dear all,

Due to the newly enforced restrictions, the first week of teaching will be done digitally. Please pay attention to the schedule for up to date information.

More information on the nature of the digital teaching will follow shortly!

Best regards,

Published Dec. 7, 2020 2:14 PM

Dear all,

Welcome to MAT2400 – Real analysis!

Lectures will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays 10:15–12:00 in VB auditorium 2, and simultaneously broadcast on Zoom. For your own sake, I strongly encourage those of you who can to come to class. Your learning will benefit from it.

Tutorials (“gruppetimer”) will be held on Wednesdays 12:15–14:00 by Erik Habbestad.

We will be following the book Spaces by Tom L. Lindstr?m.

Best regards,