Where can I get help?

If you are stuck with an exercise, or you have problems understanding something, or you simply need to discuss something, there are several ways to get help.

  • Go to the MAT2400 Zoom discussion room (on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10–12) and discuss with your fellow students. Ulrik and Erik will not attend these sessions. If the room is empty when you enter then please stay logged in for 10 minutes to see if others will join! (Click the "Zoom" button in Canvas to find the Zoom meeting room.)
  • Go to Erik's Zoom tutorial on Mondays 12–14. (Click the "Zoom" button in Canvas to find the Zoom meeting room.)
  • Start a discussion thread in Canvas. Anyone can reply to questions.
  • Attend the digital "Fellesorakel" on Tuesdays and Wednesdays 12:15–14:00
  • Zoom office hours on Wednesdays from 10:15–12:00. (Click the "Zoom" button in Canvas to find the Zoom meeting room.)
  • Ask questions in the "Questions" slot in one of the quizzes
  • Send an e-mail to Ulrik or Erik
Published Jan. 17, 2020 10:27 AM - Last modified Feb. 24, 2023 11:59 AM