
Publisert 26. mai 2020 16:59

There is a zoom meet up scheduled tomorrow at 11am (meeting link in canvas). I will not be present but the meeting should be able to run without me. Use this as a platform to connect with others in the course! 

Publisert 22. mai 2020 10:29

Monday May 25th at 11:00am. I will be available over zoom to take any questions about the final exam. 

Check your canvas inbox for the invitation and meeting number. 

Publisert 14. apr. 2020 11:29

We will continue after the break with Chapter 12 of Aigner. 

Chapter 9 will not be covered on the final exam. Since people have expressed interest in the topics I may post some screencasts summarizing the topics from that section. 

The zoom sessions will continue today at 15:15 with a discussion of the screencasts that were uploaded last week on modular arithmetic and finite fields. Please join! 

Publisert 6. apr. 2020 11:22

I have almost finished grading the mandatory assignment. Overall it was very well done! Thanks for your solutions. 

I have asked many of you (even those with near perfect assignments) to resubmit questions that were either not attempted or need some corrections. 

Do not be discouraged! This is our one chance for a formal dialogue and it is good to have some back and forth. Please contact me if you have any questions about the comments, hints, or if there are any problems with the annotated PDF I uploaded to Canvas.  

Publisert 3. apr. 2020 14:21

The exam is run as a 7-day individual home exam with all aids allowed. The tasks will be similar to a mandatory task. Collaboration will not be considered cheating, but you must have formulated and written the answer that is submitted, and it should reflect your understanding of the syllabus. The grade will be pass/fail, and the limit for passing will be 40% (like E at the regular exam). The exam is published in Inspera at the original examination date and must be submitted as one PDF file in Inspera within the same time 7 days later. The faculty works on solutions for students who may not have access to a computer/network. 

Publisert 1. apr. 2020 21:48

Following a request from a few students, tomorrow's zoom session (April 2nd) will be moved to 16:00 to accommodate the deadline of the mandatory assignment. 

If you would like to meet online to ask questions at 13:00 send me an email and I will meet you online. Otherwise the more formal discussion will start at 16:00. 

Hope to see you there!


Publisert 31. mars 2020 11:49

In combination with the uploaded screencasts (see bottom of the course webpage) we will still meet online to discuss course material Tuesdays from 15:15 to 16:00 and Thursdays from 13:15 to 14:00.  The weekly exercise sessions will also be held over zoom on Wednesdays at 10:15. 

These sessions will not be recorded due to privacy rules.

Check your canvas inbox for the meeting invitation and send me an email if you have any concerns (scheduling or otherwise).

Publisert 29. mars 2020 17:23

The final exam for the course will now be a written take home exam.
It will be assigned on the date of the exam and you will have 7 days to complete the exam. It will be submitted in Inspera. 

See the following link for more information:


Publisert 24. mars 2020 11:03

Please check your canvas inbox for the zoom meeting code. Send me an email or canvas message if there are any problems. 

Publisert 23. mars 2020 16:32

The current plan is to meet online during our usual lecture times in a zoom meeting via canvas. I will start with a short summary but please come with questions, comments, problems!

Screencasts will be uploaded before the lectures (first one to come tonight). In order to participate it will be helpful to watch those screencasts and/or read the relevant sections of the textbook (posted on the course schedule). 

The exercise sessions will also continue online on Wednesdays for the time being. Also the discussion and chat features on canvas have now been activated, please get in touch with each other as well! 

Any suggestions regarding how we can proceed together or what tools might be helpful to incorporate are very welcome! You can either get in touch by email or bring them up at the zoom sessions. Thanks to all those who have already sent along suggestions. 

Take care. 

Publisert 17. mars 2020 22:35

Tomorrow's exercise sessions will be cancelled but hopefully resume with an online zoom meeting next Wednesday. 

Podcast style lectures and new exercises will be uploaded very soon! This will be the solution at least until access to other technologies is available. 

If people have questions about the mandatory assignment (note the deadline has been postponed), we can try out a zoom session before next Wednesday. Send me a short email simply mentioning your interest and I will try to set this up before the end of the week. 

Take care of yourselves and each other.  

Publisert 17. mars 2020 19:05

The deadline for the mandatory assignment has been extended by one week. It is now due on April 2nd @ 14:30 . 

Publisert 11. mars 2020 20:16

Fra i morgen, torsdag 12. mars, gis det ikke klasseromsundervisning i emnet.  Dette gjelder b?de forelesninger og gruppeundervisning.  

   Det blir lagt til rette for et utvidet  digitalt undervisningstilbud i emnet.  Mer informasjon om dette vil bli lagt ut p? semestersiden senest 23.Mars.


Informasjon om eksamensavvikling kommer senere.

Publisert 14. feb. 2020 09:41

The student representative for this course is Anna Margrete Sletsj?e. 
