
If you come across a resource relating abstract algebra that you think is useful, for instance a book or online lectures, let me know and I can add it here.

The textbook for the course is Fraleigh's "A First Course In Abstract Algebra". I think this is a very good book, but if you want to supplement the material in this book with alternative presentations, there are many other introductory books on abstract algebra to choose from. Here are a few well known ones:

  • Dummit, Foote - Abstract Algebra
  • Gallian - Contemporary Abstract Algebra
  • Herstein - Topics in Algebra
  • Artin - Algebra
  • Aluffi - Algebra: Chapter 0

A summary
A summary (in Norwegian) of the parts of Fraleigh that we cover, produced by Sondre Andresen, is found here.

A mathematical dictionary
Most mathematical terms used in this course have well-established Norwegian translations, and many of them can be found in this dictionary:

Et TV-program

NRK tar folkeopplysningsoppdraget p? alvor og oppsummerer de f?rste par forelesningene i dette emnet her.

Published Jan. 19, 2023 9:07 PM - Last modified May 19, 2023 2:40 PM