General organisation of lectures and the first week

The lectures in this course will be Monday at 10:15-12:00 and Tuesday at 12:15-14:00. The group session for solving exercises is  Wednesday at 10:15-12:00, with first session on 20 January.

For Monday 11 January and Tuesday 12 January, I will post videos of the lectures shortly before the start in the timeplan. You will find these by following the link under Schedule on the main course page, then Lectures (for the Monday session) and  Plenary (for the Tuesday session). There will be no Zoom session on these days.

The exercise sessions will take place in Zoom.

If digital teaching continues for a while, I will plan Zoom-sessions for Mondays to answer questions and solve small tests/quizzes.

Published Jan. 9, 2021 7:38 PM - Last modified Jan. 9, 2021 7:38 PM