Ang?ende l?rebok / About book

Vi bruker den nye boken av Audrey Terras "Abstract algebra with applications" som hovedkilde. Jeg planlegger ? gjennomg? noe av kapittel 10 i John Fraleigh "A first course in abstract algebra" (7. utgave), men til dette vil jeg skrive notater som blir tilgjengelige fra denne siden.


We use the new book "Abstract algebra with applications" by Audrey Terras as primary source. I plan to cover some material from chapter 10 in John Fraleigh's book "A first course in abstract algebra", 7th edition, but for this part I will make available some notes.

Velkommen til kurset! Welcome to this course!

Published Dec. 11, 2020 1:50 PM - Last modified Dec. 11, 2020 1:50 PM