will be available, shortly. The statistics of the results are:
A: 3, B: 8, C: 12,D: 7,E: 2, F: 7.
Results expected within two weeks.
Have a nice summer!
For time and place see separate link.
Solutions will be posted here Wednesday.
During the exam, Ellingsrud will visit the exam rooms and answer questions.
Good luck,
The assigment has a deadline of Thursday March 31. at 14.30, 7. floor, NHA.
You may work together, in fact I recommend it, but hand in separately.
Under the schedule link, I announce which sections in Fraleigh's book will be covered in the lecture.
Some lectures will be replaced by problem sessions, with exercises and problems to be presented and worked on announced some time in advance.
First lecture is Monday Jan 18. at 14.15.
We shall use the textbook:
Fraleigh, John B.: A first course in abstract algebra, 2003. Addison-Wesley. ISBN: 0-321-15608-0, 7th edition.
The precise curriculum has not yet been decided.
I shall use this message board to give exercises and other information on the course.
Kristian Ranestad