Welcome to MAT2200 !To begin …

Welcome to MAT2200 !

To begin with, a few practicalities:

The book we shall use is the following:

Fraleigh, John B.: A first course in abstract algebra, 2003. Addison-Wesley. ISBN: 0-321-15608-0, 7th edition.

We shall only use part of it, chapter VIII is not part of the curriculum. The detailed curriculum you will get as the course proceeds, it depends on what we have time to do.

The exercises I will post on the net in seperate "papers" called Ark - the first one is already there! It covers the first three weeks of the course. I'll try to be a few weeks ahead, so in principle each Ark will cover two or three weeks.

I'll update at least every week on what I plan to do and I really did during the lectures. First week WED 16 and FRI 18 I'll do parts of section 0 (equivalence relations and partition, congruences) and give a introductory example about symmetries of a square. Probably we shall time to do section 2 and 3 and may be start on section 4 with the definition of groups.


Published Jan. 8, 2013 12:23 PM - Last modified Apr. 16, 2013 1:21 PM