Here you can find a suggested solution to the final exam.
I have updated the learning requirements (pensum) for the course to reflect the material we have covered during the lectures.
There will be a question session (orakel) on Monday, June 4, from 12.15 to 14, in room B534 (5th floor, Niels Henrik Abel Building.)
Additional examples and problems can be found, for example, in the book "Algebra" by Thomas Hungerford, Springer (publisher), vol 73 in Graduate Texts in Mathematics, ISBN 3-540-90518-9. Chapters I(1-6), II(2, 4, 5), III, V(3,4) are relevant to the course.
Here is a suggested solution to the mandatory assignment.
For exercise 29.30 you need to use that an element in the extension field E=F(\alpha) is given as in Theorem 29.18.
If you have questions about your solution to the mandatory assignment or about the written comments to your solution you can come and discuss this with me during office-hours Tuesday April 10, from 11 to 12 or Thursday April 12 from 13:30 to 14:30. My office is 711 on 7th floor in Niels Henrik Abel Building. If you cannot come during office-hours just come when you can and I'll try to help.
Another clarification about the assignment: in problem 3, question a) the two actions are assumed to be equivalent.
The student representative (tillitsvalgt) in this course is Oliver Anderson, e-mail oliverea"at"
One clarification about the text of the assignment: in problem 4, question e), by "pairwise distinct" it is meant that "xrH and xsH are not equal when r and s are different between 0 and l-1". Here "pairwise distinct" is equivalent to "pairwise disjoint".
LaTeX-kurs onsdag 28. mars (nybegynnere) og onsdag 11. april (viderekomne) - begge dager kl. 16.15-18.00.
I wrote a proof of the last part of Theorem 6.14 in Fraleigh's book. Here is the pdf-file.
Lectures/exercises on Wednesdays are now moved from Lille Auditorium to Store Auditorium in the same building.
An "orakel" service is offered for this course. More precisely, if you have concrete questions to the theory or exercises in this course you can send an e-mail to "". Write "MAT2200" in the subject of your e-mail.
At the drop-in hour on Tuesday January 24 you have the opportunity to ask questions about the exercises for this week. These exercises are: section 0 (29, 30, 31), section 2 (8, 23). Note: I dropped exercise 6 from section 2 and replaced it with exercise 8 from section 2.
For the time being the plan for the drop-in group looks similar to the plan for the Wednesdays lectures, except that it is shifted in date. I am trying to fix this problem.
Velkommen til f?rste forelesning, onsdag den 18. januar kl. 14.15-16 (bemerk,undervisningslokalet befinner seg i Kristen Nygaards hus). Vi starter med teori, avsnitt 0 og 1 i Fraleighs bok. Vi fortsetter med teori torsdag den 19. januar kl. 10.15-12 (undervisningslokale i Kristine Bonnevies hus).