The exam date is 17 June 2022. The exam is physical. Please inform us if you cannot attend the exam, with documented reasons (preferred 7 days in advance, except unpredicted cases).
Good luck with the study and the exam.
H?per det g?r fint med prosjektarbeidene deres! Jeg kommer straks til ? legge ut en .zip-fil med ny forsidemal i LaTeX til bacheloroppgaver p? UiO p? emnesiden. Denne kommer s?pass sent at det ikke er n?dvendig at dere bruker den, men det anbefales.
Hvis dere allerede bruker malen, m? dere legge til f?lgende i main.tex – merk spesielt at forsiden fungerer med REPORT-documentclass, ikke memoir.
\documentclass[a4paper, article, oneside, UKenglish]{report}
\title{Title of project}
\author{Your name}
Etter \begin{document}:
dept={Department of Mathematics},
kind={Project work},
Bytt ut MAT2000 med STK-MAT2011 eller MEK3200 som dere ?ns...
This is a gentle reminder that the deadline for the written mandatory assignment is today (03.03.2022) at 14:30. Moreover, you have been notified via e-mail about the date of your oral presentation, which will take place week 10 or 11.
In the group session tomorrow you are expected to present the draft of your mandatory assignment to other students. You will work in groups of 2-3 and take turns.
Please bring 3 printed copies of your draft to class!
- The mandatory assignment has been published
- The schedule is updated with slides
- We continue with hybrid teaching
- Remember the deadline February 7th to decide on a project and supervisor!
Welcome to MAT2000 and STK-MAT2011! We have the first lecture Thursday January 17th at 14:15-16:00. This lecture will be hybrid, see the schedule for room number (physical) or Zoom link (digital). Lecture notes will be provided after the lecture. The lecture will not be recorded.