As specified in the message from April 23rd, the presentations should use Beamer. However, there is a blackboard in the room and it is possible to also use it in addition to the Beamer.
The presentation should last 20 minutes. After that there will be questions from the censors (approximately 5 minutes).
Before the submission deadline, there are two help desk sessions on May 8th and 15th. There you can drop in and get help with LaTeX, citations, reference lists, sentence structure and any other writing issues you may have.
There is also a session on May 22nd where you can get help preparing your exam presentation.
The project must be submitted electronically using Inspera. The system will be open for submissions starting May 2nd at 9:00 with deadline May 16th at 14:30. Upload the project as a single PDF that includes the official front page.
All presentations of projects will take place on June 11th and 12th. See StudentWeb for the exact time slots. The presentations should use Beamer.
The official front page that you must use for the final project is now posted. Extract the zip into the same folder as your tex file and follow the attached instructions.
I have sent all of you an e-mail on your student e-mail address with exact time and place for your oral presentation. Please read and confirm this e-mail.
Remember that your presentation is expected to last 5-8 minutes and that you will get feedback from the group.
In the exercise session on 29 January, you must bring a laptop and preferably a printed copy of the article The Golden String, Zeckendorf Representations, and the Sum of a Series by Martin Griffiths.
The first LaTeX resources are now posted. You must compile the LaTeX introduction yourself, and you should switch between reading the source code and the compiled PDF.
The template for small documents is suitable for both the mandatory assignment and the final project.
The template for large documents is too excessive for this course. The idea is that you can return to this page when you start writing your master's thesis.
In this course, you are required to write the mandatory assignment and the final project using TeX and friends. For that you need a TeX distribution. We recommend TeX Live, which is suitable for Mac, Windows and Linux. You also need an editor.
You can avoid the installation by using an online editor, such as Overleaf.
LaTeX is available on the computers belonging to the Department of Mathematics.