List of project titles. Normal …

List of project titles.

  • Normal forms for attracting automorphisms (Forn?ss Wold)
  • Approximation á la Weierstrass on smooth curves in the complex plane (Forn?ss Wold)
  • Representation theory for the non-commutative cusp (Sletsj?e)
  • Trisecting an angle (Sletsj?e)
  • Links of plane curve singularities (Christophersen)
  • Representation theory of groups (Christophersen)
  • Reflexive lattice polytopes (Christophersen)
  • The Banach-Tarski paradox, Tarski's theorem, and amenability for discrete groups (Slavila Larsen)
  • The elementary divisor theorem and the Hecke algebra associated to the unimodular group (Slavila Larsen)
  • Er Heine-Borel enklere enn skj?ringsetningen? (Normann)
  • Urysohns universelle metriske rom (Normann)
  • Om spill og beregnbare vinststrategier (Normann)
  • Rundt den diskrete Fourier transformen (Bedos)

Publisert 3. feb. 2010 16:35 - Sist endret 22. mars 2010 14:58