Oblig 1
Oblig 1 consists of the following exercises in the compendium: 1.3, 1.4, 1.7, 2.1. The deadline is wednesday february the 8th.
Please send me your complete answers by email in one pfd-file, including figures. In addition you must submit your sourcecode for the programming exercises in the same email. You are free to choose the programming language and I recommend using Latex.
In exercise 1.3 you should parameterize the semicircle by (Cos(t),Sin(t)) and use uniform samples in the t-variable in the first part.
I will be available for questions on e-mail, after the next lectures, and if you wish in the tutorial time-slot tuesday the 7th of february at 12 o'clock.
Publisert 25. jan. 2017 13:49