General information about compulsory exercises

There are four compulsory exercises in MAT-INF4130, and all of them must be passed prior to the exam. The first one will have deadline 29. september, and the next three deadlines will come with two or three weeks intervals. We require about 60 percent correct answers in each exercise. All answers should be properly explained.

You can choose whether to hand in assignments electronically on devilry (, or hand in at the office on the 7th floor in The mathematics building. Here you can also obtain a header page for attaching to your assignment.

Students who deliver but fail the assignment at the first deadline will be assigned another deadline, in order to revise the assignment.If you get ill so that you can not deliver by the deadline, remember to apply to for extra time before the deadline.

You can choose whether you use Matlab and Python in your deliveries. Note that the code listed in the first compulsory exercise is only in Matlab, on demand I can rewrite the symbolic computations therein with sympy.

Publisert 9. sep. 2016 10:51 - Sist endret 9. sep. 2016 14:39