The exam

There has been a little back and forth about the exams this semester due to the covid-19 situation, but it now seems that the Faculty will allow ordinary school exams in small math courses like MAT-INF 3600 where infection control is easy to maintain. A few things has to be noticed:
  •  If a student at the day of exam has any symptoms which prevents her/him to attend the exam, or is in quarantine, she/he should inform the University as described in (/english/studies/examinations/illness-postponed/index.html).
  • Only self-notification is required.
  • Even if the University of Oslo normally offers the possibility of special examination arrangements, due to significant disadvantage in an examination situation, including risk or fear of being infected by the Covid-19 disease, this will NOT be an option this fall. The University will not provide alternative locations/rooms in any cases.
  • If any of the candidates by no means can accept an ordinary examination procedure, taking place in Silurveien, we have to rearrange the examination for the whole group. In that case you should let me know as soon as possible and at latest Thursday, October 29th.
Published Oct. 26, 2020 8:57 PM - Last modified Oct. 27, 2020 4:26 PM