Messages - Page 2
The lectures will be on thursdays from 8.15 to 10.00, as agreed. There will be no lectures on thursdays september 2nd or 9th (the latter due to a medical examination scheduled long ago, which cannot be moved). Hence, the next lecture will be thursday september 16th (PH)
Two weeks delay: Since the lectures are delayed by two weeks everything else have to be delayed also. Thus, the first exercise (number 1) will be done in week 38 and so forth. (JPO)
Chapter 5 in the compendium was not intended to be handed out. It's not relevant to KJM 5900 and was only a rough draft. Please disregard this chapter!
The first lecture starts at 09:15 on Tuesday 17. august 2004. (The time stated in the timeplaner (autumn schedule) is correct, but is wrongly quoted as 8:15 in the "Time and Place" link in the Teaching section on our web-pages - sorry!)
The first lecture: Everybody has to attend the first lecture, otherwise your enrollment will be cancelled. If you can't attend you must clear this with the student administration or the course administrator (Jon Petter Omtvedt ). [Norsk: Det er obligatorisk fremm?te p? f?rste forelesning. Hvis du ikke m?ter eller ikke har f?tt fritak for fremm?te, s? strykes du fra emnet.]
First week lab exercises: Please read the lab exercises and the separate "quick summary and suggested time schedule" which are now available from our web-pages or from here .
Schedules: The schedules has been updated (only small changes).
The course book (Lieser: "Nuclear and Radiochemistry") should be available from Akademika in a few days (according to Akademika). It will probably cost 1540 NOK. This book is also used in the course KJM5910. Too expensive? See the previous message about renting the book!
Rent a course book? The course book (Karl Heinrich Lieser: "Nuclear and Radiochemistry") is rather expensive. Therefore, you can rent the book durring the course. This costs 150,- kr and requires that the book is returned undamaged and in reasonable condition. Damaged books has to be replaced.
Course material: When you have registered for the course you can pick up the course material at the "ekspedisjonskontoret" at the Chemistry Department. Material will only be handed out to those who are registered and/or have notified Jon Petter Omtvedt . Most of the material is in Norwegian, please contact Jon Petter if you are not able to read Norwegian texts. We strongly suggest that you read through the compendium and browse through the first chapters of the course book before the intensive introduction week (which starts on the 17th of August).
It looks like this course will have non-Norwegian participants and thus be taught in English. The web-pages will be translated into English as soon as possible and further messages will be given in English.
Skriftlig eksamen erstattes med mappevurdering av tre regne/laboppgaver. F?rste gangs innlevering av oppgavene vil bli karaktersatt av sensor rett f?r muntlig eksamen. Hver oppgave teller 10%, det vil si at "mappen" veier 30% og muntlig eksamen veier 70% n?r karakteren fastsettes. For sent innleverte oppgaver f?r laveste karakter. En oppgave som ikke godkjennes av veileder m? rettes og leveres inn p? nytt til den er godkjent, men sensureringen vil foretas p? bakgrunn av den f?rste innleveringen.
Kurset starter med en intensivuke Tirsdag 17. august kl. 08:00. Intensivuken er obligatorisk og avsluttes l?rdag 21. august kl. 16:00.
I intensivuken 17. til 21. august vil det ikke v?re undervisning under de obligatoriske forelesningene i KJM4020. Det er derfor problemfritt ? f?lge begge emnene h?sten 2004. Det er ingen kollisjoner med aktivitetene i emnet KJM4010.
Alle som ?nsker ? ta KJM5900, ogs? de som ikke har bestemt seg enda, b?r gi beskjed til kursansvarlig Jon Petter Omtvedt s? raskt som mulig. En slik beskjed er uforpliktende (det er IKKE en p?melding), men hjelper oss ? planlagge intensivuken ved semesterstart.