Dear Petrochemistry students!Teaching will recommence …

Dear Petrochemistry students!

Teaching will recommence on Monday October 15th. Professor Klaus J. Jens from H?gskolen in Telemark will lecture on Chapter 4 - steam cracking. Professor Jens has several decades of experience from the chemical processing industry, and I strongly recommend that you attend. Note that on Monday October 15th only, teaching will be in room V114, around the corner from our regular room.

We will reassume with problem sessions as we approach the exam date. Further notice will be given.

The field trip to the steam cracker at Rafnes will be on Monday October 29th. We will leave at 09.15 from the Department of Chemistry by bus. We will return around 18.00. To participate, you must read the excerpt from the HSE manual and fill out the field card. The field card should be delivered or scanned and sent to me. NOTE: I also need your shoe size as we will wear protective clothing when we are shown around the plant.

The deadline is Monday October 22nd. This is final: no field card and shoe size means no participation :-) There might be a limit on the number of participants - first come first served.

Best regards, Stian

Publisert 10. okt. 2012 14:02 - Sist endret 16. apr. 2013 13:21