Registration: At office VU12b at the Department of Chemistry in the period 02.12.2008 - 8.01.2009.
The following modules will be given for the Spring 2009. Read informations about modules at the modules page. The most modules start on thursday and finish in 2 weeks.
Module 1: NMR
Sissel J?rgensen, Dirk Petersen
Modul 3: Capasitans spectroscopy of defects in semi conductors
The module is cancelled for spring 2009
Andrej Kuznetsov
Module 12: Diffusion in liquids, NMR part I
Harald Walderhaug
Module 13: Powder diffraction X-ray
Poul ?gidius Norby
Module 14: Contact angles and surface energy of solid substances
Finn Knut Hansen
Module 16: Diffusion of fluids within porous materials, NMR part II
Eddy Walther Hansen
Module 17: Surface tension measurements with pendant and sessible drop
Finn Knut Hansen
Module 18: Single crystal X-ray diffraction
Carl Henrik G?rbitz
Module 19: Analysis/fractionation and speciation of water samples
The module is cancelled for spring 2009
Rolf Vogt, Hege Lynne
Module 24: ICP-AES
Grethe Wibetoe, Anne-Marie Skramstad
Module 27: Gammaspektroskopi
Alyst v?r 09 pga. manglende l?rerkapasitet.
Jon Petter Omtvedt