Preparation and testing of micro-LC columns

Literature to read:

Chapters 4.1, 4.2 og 5 i J.P.C. in Vissers Ph.D. thesis. Ca. 50 pages. (A copy will be provided at the lecture.)

Laboratory exercises and evaluation:

Firstly, the student must perform a column packing under supervision as described in the SOP for the column packing instrumentation. Secondly, the student must by him/herself pack one (at least)properly packed column. The student must be able to find the most appropriate equipment and material for the column packing, and put together the equipment by him/herself. The studenten must be able to make a justified choice of filters, unions, ferrules, fused silica capillaries, packing material, slurry medium, and packing pressure, and will be tested for his/her knowledge ofg this at the end of the module. The column made by the student will be tested in a standard micro-LC system, and to get the column and module accepted, the column must have an efficiency which is better than 50% of the N/m value of a commercial column.Additionally, a 1-2 pages report, which includes the N/m value of the column, must be written and approved to pass the module.


The module starts with a 2 hrs lecture Thursday Sept. 27 at 10.15 (?108). Thereafter all activities will take place in the laboratory (?U114 and ?U118 or ?122).


You must have taken either KJM4420, KJM3420, or KJM3400 (or an equivalent course) to participate in this module.
Published Aug. 14, 2012 4:47 PM - Last modified Aug. 15, 2012 8:47 AM