
  • Elements of Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics

– Relationship between macroscopic and microscopic quantities

– Dynamical systems: phase space and trajectories

– The microcanonical ensemble (NVE)

– Axiomatic definition of Entropy

– The canonical ensemble (NVT)

– Axiomatic definition of Helmholtz free energy

– Fluctuations of the Energy in the NVT ensemble

  • Molecular modelling of systems in the condensed phase

– Time-evolution: from quantum to classical dynamics

– The Born-Oppenheimer approximation / BO dynamics

– Hellmann-Feynman theorem for the calculation of quantum mechanical forces

– Sampling the phase space: ergodic hypothesis

– Molecular dynamics algorithms (Verlet, Leapfrog, velocity Verlet)

– Ab initio MD

– Mechanical models – force fields

– time-step and thermostats, Shake algorithm

– Calculation of non-bonded forces - truncation methods

– Ewald summation for electrostatic interactions

  • Enhanced sampling methods

– Conformational sampling and convergence

– Slow events: activated vs. diffusional phenomena

– One dimensional methods: Thermodynamic integration, Free-energy perturbation, Umbrella sampling

– Metadynamics

  • Large-scale simulations: Coarse graining

– Data vs. Information, emergent properties

– Coarse grained mapping - representations

– Coarse grained Hamiltonians - force matching, Iterative Boltzmann Inversion

– A Simple CG representation: the Elastic Network Model

  • Mixing the scales

– Hybrid QM/MM

– All-atom/CG models

– Hybrid particle/density-field approach



  • Lab experiences

– Kac model of molecular chaos

– Writing a simple MD code

– Investigating coupled harmonic oscillators

– Coupled penduli: Ljapunov instability

– thermostats and barostats

– A simple van de Waals gas

– GROMACS: example of a professional MD package - Water models

– Simulations of a peptide in water

Published Aug. 18, 2020 4:38 PM - Last modified Aug. 18, 2020 4:42 PM