1. L?reb?ker:
- Branden and Tooze ?Introduction to protein structure', 2. utgave (1999) ISBN 0815323050
- Voet and Voet ?Biochemistry', 3. utgave (2004) ISBN 0471392235
2. Forelesningsnotater
3. Tidsaktuelle artikler (maks. 20 sider)
[Generell strukturkjemi som kun dekkes av forelesningene vil ikke v?re grunnlag for direkte eksaminasjon, men sentrale begreper forutsettes kjent]
Detaljert beskrivelse av pensumet i l?reb?kene
Br?ndén and Tooze
Kap. 1. The building blocks 1-12
Kap. 2. Motifs of Protein Structure 12-33
Kap. 3. Alpha-Domain Structures 35-45
Kap. 4. Alpha/Beta Structures 47-64
Kap. 5. Beta Structures 67-87
Kap. 7. DNA Structures 121-125
Kap. 8. DNA Recognition in Procaryotes by Helix-Turn- Helix Motif 131-135 + 138-141 (129-131 og 135-137 kursorisk)
Kap. 10. Specific Transcription Factors Belong to a Few Families 175-181 + 191-196
Kap. 11. An Example of Enzyme Catalysis: Serine Proteinases 205-220
Kap. 12. Membrane Proteins 223-248 (234-246 delvis kursorisk)
Kap. 14. Fibrous Proteins 283-290
Kap. 15. Recognition of Foreign Molecules by the Immune Systems 299-321
Kap. 16. The Structure of Spherical Viruses 325-338
Voet & Voet
Noe av stoffet nedenfor er supplerende stoff/overlapp med Br?ndén & Tooze. 3rd edition
Kap. 4. Amino acids
- 1. The amino acids of proteins 65-71
- 2. Optical activity 71-76
- 3. ?Nonstandard Amino Acids 76-76 (A)
Kap. 5. Nucleic Acids, Gene Expression, and Recombinant DNA Technology
- 1. Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids 80-82
- 3. Double Helical DNA 85-88 (A)
Kap. 8. Three-Dimentional Structures Of Proteins
- 3. Globular Proteins 255-258 (D)
- 4. Protein Stability 258-263 (A, B, C, D)
Kap. 9. Protein Folding, Dynamics and Structural Evolution
- 1. Protein Folding: Theory and Experiment 276-288
- 2. Folding Accessory Proteins 288-299
- 3. Protein Structure prediction and design 299-302
- 4. Protein Dynamics 302-306
- 5. Conformational Diseases: Amyloid and prions 306-312
Kap. 10. Hemoglobin: Protein Function in Microcosm
- 1. Hemoglobin Function 320-322 (A)
- 2. Structure and Mechanism 327-337 (A, B, C)
- 3. Abnormal Hemoglobins 339-345 (A)
Kap. 11. Sugars and Polysaccharides
- 1. Monosaccharides 356-362
- 2. Polysaccharides 362-369
- 3. Glycoproteins 369-379
Kap. 15. Enzymatic Catalysis
- 4. Drug Design 528-541 (528-534 Kursorisk)
Kap. 29. Nucleic Acid Structures and Manipulation
- 2. Double helical structures 1107-1115
- 3. Forces stabilizing nucleic acid structures 1115-1122
Kap. 31. Transcription
- 1. The role of RNA in protein synthesis 1216-1221 (Kursorisk)
Kap. 32. Translation
- 2. tRNA and its aminoacylation 1292-1296
- 3. Ribosomes 1309-1318 (A)
Kap. 33. Viruses: Paradigms For Cellular Functions
- 1. Tobacco Mosaic Virus 1372-1379
- 2. Icosahedral Viruses: 1379-1390
- 4. Influenza virus 1408-1417
Kap. 35. Eucaryotic gene expression
- 1. Chromosome Structure 1422-1431
Totalt ca. 350 sider (overlapp ikke inkludert)
EKSTRA: Alternativ anskueliggj?ring av deler av pensum
Kap. 8. Three-Dimentional Structures of Proteins
- 1. Secondary Structures 219-231
- 2. Fibrous Proteins 231-240
- 3. Globular Proteins 240-255
Kap. 15. Enzymatic Catalysis
- 3. Serine proteases 515-527 (A, B, C, D)
Kap. 31. Transcription
- 3. Control of transcription in prokaryotes 1242-1245 (D)
Kap. 35. Molecular Physiology
- 2. Immunity 1207-1234 (2. utgave nummerering)