

1. Branden and Tooze ?Introduction to protein structure', 2. utgave (1999)

2. Voet and Voet ?Biochemistry', 2. utgave (1995)

3. Wolfram Saenger ?Principles of Nucleic Acid Structure' (1984)

[Generell strukturkjemi dekkes av forelesningene. Vil ikke v?re grunnlag for direkte eksaminasjon, men sentrale begreper forutsettes kjent]

Branden and Tooze

Kap. 1. The building blocks 1-12

Kap. 2. Motifs of Protein Structure 12-33

Kap. 3. Alpha-Domain Structures 35-45

Kap. 4. Alpha/Beta Structures 47-64

Kap. 5. Beta Structures 67-87

Kap. 6. Folding and Flexibility 89-105

Kap. 8. DNA Recognition in Procaryotes by Helix-Turn-Helix Motif 129-141

Kap. 11. An Example of Enzyme Catalysis: Serine Proteinases 205-220

Kap. 12. Membrane Proteins 223-248

Kap. 14. Fibrous Proteins 283-298

Kap. 15. Recognition of Foreign Molecules by the Immune Systems 299-321

Kap. 16. The Structure of Spherical Viruses 325-338

Voet & Voet

Noen av kapitlene nedenfor er supplerende stoff/overlapp med Br?ndèn & Tooze. (Det kan v?re nyttig ? lese det samme stoffet med en annen innfallsvinkel.)

Kap. 4. Amino acids

  • 1. The amino acids of proteins 56-62
  • 2. Optical activity 62-67
  • 3. ?Nonstandard Amino Acids 67-68
  • A. Amino Acid Derivatives in Proteins

Kap. 7. Three-Dimentional Structures Of Proteins

  • 1. Secondary Structures 141-153
  • 2. Fibrous Proteins 153-162

Kap. 8. Protein Folding, Dynamics and Structural Evolution

  • 1. Protein Folding 191-205

Kap. 9. Hemoglobin: Protein Function in Microcosm

  • 1. Hemoglobin Function 216-217 (A. Heme)
  • 2. Structure and Mechanism 223-231 (A. Structure of Myoglobin, B. Structure of Hemoglobin, C. Mechanism of Oxygen-Binding Cooperativity)
  • 3. Abnormal Hemoglobins 235-241 (A. Molecular Pathology of HemoglobinB. Molecular Basis of Sickle-Cell Anemia)

Kap. 10. Sugars and Polysaccharides

  • 1. Monosaccharides 253-258
  • 2. Polysaccharides 258-265
  • 3. Glycoproteins 266-274

Kap. 12. Enzymatic Catalysis

  • 3. Serine proteases 389-398 (A. Kinetic and catalytic groups, B. X-Ray structures, C. Catalytic Mechanism, D. Testing the catalytic mechanism)

Kap. 28. Nucleic Acid Structures and Manipulation

  • 1. Chemical structure and base composition 849-850
  • 2. Double helical structures 850-862
  • 3. Forces stabilizing nucleic acid structures 862-870
  • 5. Supercoiled DNA 873-882

Kap. 29. Transcription

  • 1. The role of RNA in protein synthesis 916-919
  • 3. Control of transcription in prokaryotes 935-938 (D. Sequence-specific Protein-DNA Interactions)

Kap. 30. Translation

  • 2. tRNA and its aminoacylation 967-971
  • 3. Ribosomes 981-989 (A. Ribosome Structure)

Kap. 32. Viruses: Paradigms For Cellular Functions

  • 1. Tobacco Mosaic Virus 1076-1081
  • 2. Spherical Viruses 1081-1089
  • 4. Influenza virus 1105-1113

Kap. 33. Eucaryotic gene expression

  • 1. Chromosome Structure 1124-1133


Kap. 15. tRNA - A Treasury of Sterochemical Information 331-349

Kap. 16. Intercalation 350-359

Kap. 19. Higher Organization of DNA 436-449

Totalt ca. 350 sider (overlapp ikke inkludert)

Publisert 19. mai 2004 14:39 - Sist endret 21. juni 2004 13:26