NMR experiments and Colloquia in rooms ? 332, ? 334, 338 and 340

As stated in another message you will be assigned spectrometer times and days for the 14 days period with training on practical one dimensional nmr-spectroscopy at the spectrometers DPX200, DPX300 and DRX 500 on August 31st. Most of the teaching will take place in the nmr laboratories. You will be given an nmr sample in a nmr-tube and your job is to figure out the chemical identity of your molecule. You will find the chemical shifts of all 1H, 19F, 31P and 13C atoms in your molecule and may be also connections to 15N atoms by doing lots and lots of NMR experiments. After the initial training you will have a one hour mid term exam on a spectrometer.  After passing this exam all of you will run an extensive series of 2 dimensional nmr experiments (COSY, TOCSY, NOESY, ROESY, HSQC, HMBC, H2BC etc) with the multizg command on the DRX 500 instrument and some on the two 400 MHz instruments in ICONNMR mode. After that you will run a few brand new 19F 2-dimensional experiments in ICONNMR mode on the AVneo400 instrument.  Then you write up your report. When this is approved you will present you thought processes in elucidating the molecular structure in a lecture with a power point presentation.

Publisert 25. juli 2022 09:22 - Sist endret 24. aug. 2022 10:00