
Publisert 17. juni 2019 12:04

You will be asked about some health concerns on the first day of KJM 5280. If you use a pacemaker to regulate your heart or have a stent in your body you can regretfully not participate. If you earlier in life have been in a war zone and was exposed to exploding devices and still have iron shrapnel pieces in your body you can not participate in KJM 5280. 

Publisert 17. juni 2019 11:56

The first 2 weeks of KJM 5280 will occupy 2/3 of your working hours and the next 2-3 weeks 50 % of your study time.  

Publisert 17. juni 2019 11:49

Dear KJM 5280 participant. Please show up in room ? 338 in the east wing of the Chemistry building at little before 09.00 in the morning on Monday September 2nd.  An obligatory safety instruction will take place before the lectures start at 10.15 in the room Dalton at the UE floor.  If you do not participate in the safety instruction/demonstration you can not follow KJM 5280 in 2019.