KJM5250 / KJM9250 spring 2012. …

KJM5250 / KJM9250 spring 2012. The code is supposed to be changed (sometime in the autumn of 2011) to KJM9250. KJM9250 will run in the spring of 2012 if 5 or more PhD students register. If less than 5 PhD students do register the course will be cancelled in 2012 and run next time in the spring of 2014. Lectures will most likely start on Wednesday February 1st. The intertwined practical and theoretical colloquiums in the NMR Center will start on Monday February 6th and run the whole semester. Students will work in pairs of two and two. Two NMR instruments will be used each day for up to three days a week which means a maximum of 12 students can participate. Each of you will use an nmr instrument one whole day each week, but you can leave the instrument now and then when acquisitions are going on.

Published Oct. 7, 2011 12:31 PM - Last modified Nov. 9, 2011 1:52 PM