
Published Mar. 16, 2005 1:00 AM

The final exam in KJM5250 is planned to take place on June 16. and June 17. Place: ? 338 Chemistry Building (NMR lab.). Each student will be tested for 2 hours - starting with practical NMR experiments related to the NMR laboratory course - followed by questions in NMR-theory. More weight will be placed on the ability to set up and execute sucessful NMR experiments - compared with previous exams. Sensor is Professor Lars Skjeldal (UMB, Norwegian University of Life Sciences).

Published Mar. 7, 2005 1:00 AM

Lecture plan for the rest of the semester: March 7. lectures. March 14. Kristofer Larsen discusses his NMR research, TOCSY, 1D TOCSY... March 21. no lectures since many students are absent. March 28. no lectures (Holiday). April 4. lectures. April 11. lectures.

Published Feb. 23, 2005 1:00 AM

The laboratory course starts at 08.00 thursday 24. february. All students must meet at the NMR laboratory at this time.